
Friday, September 18, 2015

The Beginning of the Journey

My First Dance Class
Image Courtesy Of: Elisa Slobodow

Every journey has a beginning and this is mine. When I was two years old my parents put me into my first ballet class at the JCC in Boston, Massachusetts. In the class we skipped in circles, sat in a butterfly, and learned to point our toes. At the time I didn't really know what I was doing but always found it fun. For years I went to dance class, went home, and repeated. It took me many years to find the real meaning of dance. I remember when I turned four, my birthday cake had a pair of point shoes on it. In that moment I really thought of myself as a dancer. I would say that by the time I turned ten or eleven and saw the amazing opportunities and talented people in the world that I really decided I wanted to become a professional dancer. Ever since that point becoming a professional dancer has been my focus and goal.

Your journey may be starting right now or in a few years from now but no matter when you start your journey it can always be a successful one. My goal with this blog is to inspire, encourage, and assist. I will share my feelings and beliefs on what it means to be determined, how to reach your goals, and how to stay strong.