
Monday, May 9, 2016

Final Curtain Call

Curtain Closing
Image Courtesy of: YouTube

Well this has been an insane year.

Actually this year feels like it's not even close to over, right now I am getting ready for four shows this week. I have two shows one Wednesday and one Thursday for Junior Dance Company and two shows on Saturday with my studio..... So let the craziness begin!

I know after that though my year will really feel like it's coming to a close. In between shows with my studio we always do a candle lighting to say good by to the seniors (and that I am really dreading), we always leaving the room with tears streaming down our face. So then I will feel like this dance year is really ending.

Also I recently found out my dance placement for next year at the bright and shiny Peggy Bergmann Ballet West Academy at Park City...... and that was interesting. I ended up having really good placements but on the other hand some of my friends a weren't so lucky. Now I am just trying to do my very best to comfort them because disappointment is tough, but again it's what comes with this insane dance world.

But as for my blog sadly it is coming to a close. As I have learned in dance the process is the most important but the final product can become the best part. So that's how I think of my blog. I want it to end nice and sweet.

I have loved blogging and being able to share all of my experiences and adventures with you. I also love having a place where I can dedicate my time and writing to what I am most passionate about. I feel like every post I have written I have been able to open up and share even more.

To all of my readers: whether you have an insane passion for dance like me, just came across my blog, or are reading this because your a close friend of mine. I thank you so much for putting in the time to read my blog and learn more about me and my love for dance.

Lastly I want to say that anything is possible. If you put in enough effort and dedication, your dreams really can come true.

Let my journey at Ballet West and whatever your journey is begin!