
Saturday, April 23, 2016

Insane Weekend Day 1

Elite Grand Champions
Image Courtesy of: Elisa Slobodow

Sooooooo lets see this past weekend was basically insane, but it was also probably one of the best weekends of my life.

So Friday started out as a normal dance competition day.  But as the weekend continued.........well, you'll see

7:00 AM: I woke up, packed up all my stuff, put my hair up, then hopped in the car and headed down to Sandy. 

11:00 AM: We arrived and got ready for our first piece.

12:00 PM: Then we continued performing for the rest of the day, and we were doing pretty well. 

9:00 PM: Lets just say by this time I was getting a little tired so might have had "some" sugar to wake myself up

11:00 PM: While the judges were calculating the scores they played just dance videos on there huge screens to the sides of the stage. Everyone then got up on their feet including all the dancers and parents and started following along.

11:30 PM: Yep we were still dancing, and by the time the videos ended we were all dripping in sweat.

12:00 AM: They had finished calculating the scores and announced that they were putting on a gala were they picked the top 3 advanced teams and top 3 elite teams to perform and compete for the grand prize...........We got chosen! And it was my favorite piece!

12:05 AM: We sprinted back to the dressing room jumping and chanting, but knowing we had to move fast because we only had five minutes to get ready.

12:10 AM: We stepped out on the stage and it was magical......our piece is called Proserpina and is about a mother loosing her child and it was very emotional for all of us.

12:13 AM: When we finished the piece we all had tears running down our face. We all huddled together and listened to what the judges had to say. I thought they were going to say something like work on transitions or articulate your feet more, but that's not what they said at all. They were speechless and barely new what to say. 

12:15 AM: We got off stage and were so happy, we didn't even care if we won or not. We just hugged each other and watched the other people perform.

12:30 AM: It was time for awards, so all the different studios jumped on stage to hear their results.
All of our dances did pretty well, but then it was time for the gala awards so all of the other dancers not in the gala left the stage

12:45 AM: The 3 advanced pieces went first they announced each group by playing the song, so they played 3rd places song, then 2nd places, and then 1st.

12:50 AM: Now it was our turn we stood on stages holding hands waiting for the first song to come on.

12:51 AM: They play the first song......and it wasn't us!! But, then the announcer said "In third place Proserpina" We were all very confused. Then he realized it was a mistake and the song they played really got 3rd

12:53 AM: The second song played......and it wasn't us!!!! We didn't want to seem really obnoxious so we kind of just stood there and looked at each other and squeezed each others hands.

12:55 AM: They finally announced "First Place Proserpina!!"We jumped up and down screaming and hugging

1:00 AM: We ran back to the dressing room screaming "WE WON!!!!", or at least I did

1:30 AM: My mom and I loaded all of the stuff in the car and we headed to a friends house to stay the night.

1:50 AM: We arrived at the house and I ate noodles

2:15 AM: Night Night

Read My Next Post For Day 2!

Insane Weekend Day 2

Image Courtesy of: Elisa Slobodow

Sooooooo last Saturday my dance group was invited to perform with Ballet West opening of Snow Maiden.

So we all got about 4 hours of sleep and had to dance all day lets see how that went..........

6:30 AM: Time to get up!

7:00 AM: Jumped in the car and headed to Provo

8:00 AM: Arrived at the theatre

8:30 AM: We warmed up and spaced our dance on the stage

10:30 AM: We headed out for lunch and then realized we left Sawyer in the building..... Oh Sawyer

11:00 AM: We finally found a good looking place to eat

11:45 AM: Ugh the food was taking forever!!

12:00 PM: Finally the food came and it was goooood!!!

12:30 PM: We were all stuffed and about to pass out on the table

12:45 PM: When we headed back to the theatre we all got a burst of energy and started running around the street screaming and "attempting" to do par core.

1:00 PM: When we got back to our dressing room their were a lot of other girls from ballet west in there and they looked pissed off.

1:10 PM: I saw that some of my group had left and found a different room to get ready in so I went to find them. Two of the girls stayed in the dressing room and didn't know where we went. They talked to some of the ballet west girls that said "hopefully they didn't go in the mens dressing room next door" and my teammates responded "No there not that stupid."

Well apparently we are that stupid because a minute later they walked by and found us in the mens dressing room and burst out laughing.

1:20 PM: Then men arrived and looked a little freaked out when they saw us in their dressing room, so the theatre staff found us a new place to get ready

2:00 PM: The first show began. We did ok but we were pretty tired.

3:30 PM: The show was over and we were pretty wiped out so our coach we with us to Swig, a soda shop. We wanted to get some sugar to stay awake.

3:45 PM: We got to Swig and everything was soda....well I don't drink soda sooo......I got a smoothie.......It was disgusting.

3:50 PM: Everyone else was enjoying their soda and started to go a little insane. We started singing and dancing and laughing our heads off.

4:30 PM: I think the people at Swig were starting to get annoyed with us for being so loud......we left

4:35 PM: We all hopped in each others cars and decided to go to target

4:50 PM: We got lost so decided to head back to the theatre

5:00 PM: Well we had an hour so we went across the street to a book store.

5:10 PM: The bookstore was boring, we left

5:15 PM: We walked further down the street and realized there was a dance competition going on at the convention center.

5:20 PM: We headed in, no one questioned us because we had all of our hair and makeup done

5:30 PM: After a few dances on of my teammates says "Ok...the next group is our team" So when the next group stepped on the stage we started screaming and cheering. We yelled out random names like "Yeah Stacy!" and "Lets go Morgan!"

5:40 PM: We left before someone got suspicious

5:50 PM: We got back to the theatre and got ready ready for the second show to began

6:15 PM: We had a little time so we started having laughing contests. Two of us would have to maintain a serious face will they acted out what our coach said such as telling the other person they are carrying the baby Jesus.

6:45 PM: We performed and it went well

7:30 PM: Some of my friends and I went out and got some dinner but were past out in the car on the way there

9:00 PM: We headed home

11:00 PM: Goodnight!

Friday, April 22, 2016

Practice Practice Practice

Photo Courtesy of: morethanasundayfaith

Practice. What is practice? What does it mean?

Is practice the amount of times you do something or the effort you put into it?

Does practice mean building strength or knowledge?

Well I guess practice could mean all of that but it depends how you look at it. I would say practice is doing something repetitively and giving it a good effort to improve your performance of that skill

One of the most important parts of practice is knowing the amount needed to be successful. Some people think that if they do something two or three times they will then be perfect. But, it doesn’t work quite like that.

As my french teacher Mr. Risotto always says, it’s not like one morning your just going to walk into the class room and speak fluent french. Because again you need to practice over a long period of time to master a skill.

Also for me in dance even if I am practicing for a total of ten thousand hours that does not mean I am going to be the next prima ballerina unless I put in the true effort and have a strong work ethic. Because I could be dancing for hours and hours but unless I am really pushing myself the improvement will not be made

I think it is very important to think about practice, about what your practicing, about how your practicing can get better, or something that you want to start practicing. For me I always set a goal I am trying to reach and then set a certain amount of time I will practice every day to reach that goal. For example my goal in dance is to improve my flexibility and I no that it won’t just happen over night, so I set aside twenty minutes every night to stretch.

Motivation is a huge part of practice because why do you want to practice something anyways. Practicing usually takes a lot of time and energy so what makes it worth it. That is a huge question and that is something that you should ask yourself when practicing. Having strong motivation will only make the outcome of the skill you are practicing even better.

I have talked to a lot of people over the years that I have danced with and asked them why do you dance? Why do you want to be hear?

I hear a lot of them say “Well I’ve been doing it since I was two so I guess I should keep doing it” or “It’s a good way to get exercise” or “My parents make me do it”

I always find those answers so interesting but it’s almost like I already knew their answers because I could see it when they were practicing, they had no motivation at all and that’s what made the difference in their dancing from those that really loved dancing and found it so enjoyable.

Think about that next time you are practicing something, think about what your motivation is because that may change how you are practicing something or even if you are practicing it at all.

Practice is different for everyone.
Some things come more naturally to others.
The most important thing is to never give up.
If you set your mind to something you can achieve it.

And remember practice doesn’t make perfect, but perfect practice can.