
Saturday, April 23, 2016

Insane Weekend Day 2

Image Courtesy of: Elisa Slobodow

Sooooooo last Saturday my dance group was invited to perform with Ballet West opening of Snow Maiden.

So we all got about 4 hours of sleep and had to dance all day lets see how that went..........

6:30 AM: Time to get up!

7:00 AM: Jumped in the car and headed to Provo

8:00 AM: Arrived at the theatre

8:30 AM: We warmed up and spaced our dance on the stage

10:30 AM: We headed out for lunch and then realized we left Sawyer in the building..... Oh Sawyer

11:00 AM: We finally found a good looking place to eat

11:45 AM: Ugh the food was taking forever!!

12:00 PM: Finally the food came and it was goooood!!!

12:30 PM: We were all stuffed and about to pass out on the table

12:45 PM: When we headed back to the theatre we all got a burst of energy and started running around the street screaming and "attempting" to do par core.

1:00 PM: When we got back to our dressing room their were a lot of other girls from ballet west in there and they looked pissed off.

1:10 PM: I saw that some of my group had left and found a different room to get ready in so I went to find them. Two of the girls stayed in the dressing room and didn't know where we went. They talked to some of the ballet west girls that said "hopefully they didn't go in the mens dressing room next door" and my teammates responded "No there not that stupid."

Well apparently we are that stupid because a minute later they walked by and found us in the mens dressing room and burst out laughing.

1:20 PM: Then men arrived and looked a little freaked out when they saw us in their dressing room, so the theatre staff found us a new place to get ready

2:00 PM: The first show began. We did ok but we were pretty tired.

3:30 PM: The show was over and we were pretty wiped out so our coach we with us to Swig, a soda shop. We wanted to get some sugar to stay awake.

3:45 PM: We got to Swig and everything was soda....well I don't drink soda sooo......I got a smoothie.......It was disgusting.

3:50 PM: Everyone else was enjoying their soda and started to go a little insane. We started singing and dancing and laughing our heads off.

4:30 PM: I think the people at Swig were starting to get annoyed with us for being so loud......we left

4:35 PM: We all hopped in each others cars and decided to go to target

4:50 PM: We got lost so decided to head back to the theatre

5:00 PM: Well we had an hour so we went across the street to a book store.

5:10 PM: The bookstore was boring, we left

5:15 PM: We walked further down the street and realized there was a dance competition going on at the convention center.

5:20 PM: We headed in, no one questioned us because we had all of our hair and makeup done

5:30 PM: After a few dances on of my teammates says "Ok...the next group is our team" So when the next group stepped on the stage we started screaming and cheering. We yelled out random names like "Yeah Stacy!" and "Lets go Morgan!"

5:40 PM: We left before someone got suspicious

5:50 PM: We got back to the theatre and got ready ready for the second show to began

6:15 PM: We had a little time so we started having laughing contests. Two of us would have to maintain a serious face will they acted out what our coach said such as telling the other person they are carrying the baby Jesus.

6:45 PM: We performed and it went well

7:30 PM: Some of my friends and I went out and got some dinner but were past out in the car on the way there

9:00 PM: We headed home

11:00 PM: Goodnight!

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