
Sunday, November 22, 2015

New York New York

Bright Lights Of Time Square
Photo Courtesy Of: The Jet Life

Every one knows New York. But not everyone knows it is the dance capital of the world. I decided to right about New York since I just got back from visiting it. I went to New York mainly because I have family near the city and we wanted to spend Thanksgiving with them.

I love spending time with my family. I had Thanksgivings dinner at my cousins house with my grandparents, aunt, and uncle. I can not say that was my most favorite part of the trip...... I love New York because there is just so much to do. When our plane touched down I had a three page check list in my hand of everything I wanted to do, sadly I only got to about ten percent of them but I hope to go back to finish my list someday.

Anyways while I was in New York I accomplished a lot. The first day I went shopping throughout the city and walked around time square. 

The next day I went to see the Rockettes which was fun, it really got me in the Christmas spirit (which just happens to be my favorite holiday). After I saw the Rockettes I headed to an acting class. I worked with the faculty of The Acting School for Film and Television. I loved the class the whole time I was on screen so at the end of the class I got to observe and critic myself.

Then it was Thanksgiving! Sadly we headed out of the city too early to see any of the Macy's Day Parade, but I saw some of it on TV so it was ok. When I got to my cousins house they ran outside and hugged me, and as I entered the house their two dogs tackled me to the ground. Most of the day we just sat on the couch watching football and telling stories to each other, but it was great to finally see family.

After all delicious meal it was time to head home. The next day we got back on a flight to Utah. I do have to say it is good to be home, but I miss New York and can not wait to go back.

How NOT to Treat an Injury.......

Any Type Of Exercise Is Putting Pressure On Your Body
Image Courtesy Of: Cool Running

Everyone knows that when you get hurt you should rest and heal, but does every one really follow that? No, and especially not me during my last injury.

About a year ago I was in Las Vegas competing in Youth America Grand Prix, which is the biggest ballet competition world wide. I spent the first day there watching the other dancers in amazement. I had never seen anything even close to how amazing the other competitors were, so I knew the pressure was on.

The next day was when I was competing. I only had one number so put all of my focus into that. Back stage everyone was excited and nervous at the same time, but I knew I just had to get through that one number.

The lights hit the stage and it was showtime..... I began the piece with a huge smile on my face. I had practiced the piece a lot so had all the movement in my body,  but in the middle of the piece I slipped. My point shoe twisted to the side and I felt a huge pain in my ankle... I knew I had to get through the piece. I had been preparing for such a long time and could not let my teammates down. So I pushed through it.

After the piece I limped off stage and went straight to see if I had some kind of brace or wrap in my bag. I knew it was serious so just sat there for a while.

The next day all the competing was over. Though the program provided an amazing day of classes with extraordinary professional. Sadly all I could do was sit there and watch.

We got home and I continued with school and tried to rest my ankle as much as possible. I came into my dance studio on that Wednesday night and saw that we were having a masterclass the next day by an outstanding company from New York. Despite my injuries I decided to participate in the master class, which was a BIG mistake. Towards the end of the class we were running the piece they taught us and I tripped and ended up twisting my other ankle.

After that I spoke with my parents and dance teachers. We decided I really needed to rest and heal. I was out of dance for about a month and was struggling to regain strength in my ankles for another four to five months.

I realized it is so important to take care of your body. Also to listen to your body when it is in pain and not push your limits. Now I am more careful and know what to do when I get injured.