
Sunday, November 22, 2015

New York New York

Bright Lights Of Time Square
Photo Courtesy Of: The Jet Life

Every one knows New York. But not everyone knows it is the dance capital of the world. I decided to right about New York since I just got back from visiting it. I went to New York mainly because I have family near the city and we wanted to spend Thanksgiving with them.

I love spending time with my family. I had Thanksgivings dinner at my cousins house with my grandparents, aunt, and uncle. I can not say that was my most favorite part of the trip...... I love New York because there is just so much to do. When our plane touched down I had a three page check list in my hand of everything I wanted to do, sadly I only got to about ten percent of them but I hope to go back to finish my list someday.

Anyways while I was in New York I accomplished a lot. The first day I went shopping throughout the city and walked around time square. 

The next day I went to see the Rockettes which was fun, it really got me in the Christmas spirit (which just happens to be my favorite holiday). After I saw the Rockettes I headed to an acting class. I worked with the faculty of The Acting School for Film and Television. I loved the class the whole time I was on screen so at the end of the class I got to observe and critic myself.

Then it was Thanksgiving! Sadly we headed out of the city too early to see any of the Macy's Day Parade, but I saw some of it on TV so it was ok. When I got to my cousins house they ran outside and hugged me, and as I entered the house their two dogs tackled me to the ground. Most of the day we just sat on the couch watching football and telling stories to each other, but it was great to finally see family.

After all delicious meal it was time to head home. The next day we got back on a flight to Utah. I do have to say it is good to be home, but I miss New York and can not wait to go back.

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