
Saturday, January 2, 2016

When You Just Need A Break

Last Years Nutcracker
Photo Courtesy Of: Park City Dance

Life can be tough. Currently I am lying in bed just as I have been for the past twenty four hours. Since it's holiday break I told myself "You need to take sometime to do completely nothing."

How did I get hear? Well that is a very long story. I'll start off by saying always know what you are getting into because you never want to be doing to much.

About a month ago I decided that I wanted to coordinate the schools talent show, I knew it would be a lot a work but I was up for the challenge. The next day I learned the talent show was going to be the day before Nutcracker which I had been rehearsing for already a couple of months and had a lot more rehearsals to come. Then I realized that the talent show and Nutcracker were at the end of the week before break which meant I was going to have a bunch of tests and assignments due then. I decided I could get through it, all I had to do was push through that one week.

When that week came around I was kind of prepared, but still had a lot of work to do. It was Wednesday night I was up studying for my geography test until about midnight when I decided I really need to get some sleep. I woke up and looked at my clock I saw the nineteen when the last to digits were so thought my alarm clock should go off in a minute so I turned it off. I got dressed, did my hair, walked down stairs, and ate breakfast. I finished my bowl of cereal and walked over to the sink to put it away. After my bowl was in the sink I looked down at my phone to see how much time I had before I needed to leave. My phone said it was 2:45 am. Then I collapsed on the floor historically laughing and balling at the same time.

That day I roamed the halls extremely tired, I knew what I had to get done. After school all I wanted to do was go home and sleep. I was very behind on studying for my geography test so ended up missing dance and studying until midnight again.

The next morning I woke up late but my parents said I could miss my first class to get some extra sleep. I went into geography and took my test then went to get ready for the talent show. The talent show was a HUGE success! That night just as I was getting all my stuff ready for the Nutcracker I realized I had left my point shoes at the dance studio. So that night at ten oclock I had to break into the studio, well technically it wasn't breaking in because I have a key just to get my point shoes. 

The next day I woke up at seven am to get my stuff packed, do my hair, put on my make up, and head over to the theatre. The Nutcracker was great but I was also half asleep during it.

Finally that Sunday I sat on a plane leaving for Hawaii finally being able to take a breath.

1 comment:

  1. I can totally relate to this! There are some weeks when I just feel so busy that I don't have time to think. It is nice when it is all over, and you can just take a break.
