
Friday, October 30, 2015

The First Step

  My First Solo
Image Courtesy Of: Elisa Slobodow

As I said before every story has a beginning. This is what I believe is the beginning of mine. When I was in fourth grade I was given the opportunity to do a solo for that competition season. I was extremely excited about it! It took me months to pick out the perfect song, learn my routine, get a nice costume, and PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE!

Next it was time to compete! That competition season only consisted of three competitions, so I knew I had to make them worth while.

At the first competition I arrived late and was rushed to get ready. When I made it back stage no one knew where my music was. My mom ended up running around the theater looking for my teacher who had an extra copy on her. We were able to get my music just in time, I entered the stage shaking with fear. The piece started out well. Until about half way though at the part were I was supposed to kick my stool (The one in the picture above) about a foot away and running back to it. I ended up kicking my stool off the stage! It landed with a load BANG! I ended the dance with no stool to sit on and quivering with embarrassment.

At the second competition I was feeling good and prepared. Until I looked at the program and realized I was performing on the slippery gym floor. The piece actually ended up great and I placed really well. After the performance I went outside to a vendor to by some cotton candy and head home. That night I became extremely sick and in the morning my mom told me I should just stay home and not go to the group competition day. But I refused and sucked it up.

At the third and last competition we spent the whole day driving since the competition was six hours away. We got there with plenty of time to spare, I saw the big stage and was ecstatic! I entered the stage knowing this was my last chance and I was going to do great. The music started up and I got ready, but as the first few words began I had no clue what I was doing and what my routine was. All I knew is I had to stay on that stage so I sat up on my stool and went for it. I improved the whole thing! I knew what the steps were just not in the right order. I leaped and twirled around the stage until the music ended and I left with tears running down my face.

Each competition was a new learning experience! I have to say that I haven't eaten cotton candy since but besides that I have moved on and am now facing other challenges. I never have and never will forget the competition season. I use those mistakes to make myself and better dancer every day.

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Nutrition Ain’t Nonsense

                                       Healthy Foods Are Full Of Color
                                        Image Courtesy Of:  Chapter 5 

What was the last thing you remember eating? Would you consider it healthy and full of good nutrients? Would you say it gave you energy and kept your body going?

Well why does it matter? Everything you put into your body is going to effect you, it may make you feel tired, thirsty, or energetic. So it is very important to consume food that make you feel good and gives you energy especially if you are exercising. 

The first thing to know is energy comes from calories and calories come from carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. 

There are two types of carbohydrates, complex carbohydrates and simple carbohydrates. Complex carbohydrates include whole grains, peas, corn, and potatoes. Simple carbohydrates include fruits. Carbohydrates are very important for having energy at anytime throughout your life.

Protein includes animals products, seeds, beans, soy, and nuts. Protein should be consumed after exercise to maintain energy and muscle strength.

There are different types of fats and it is important to mainly be eating the healthy ones. Healthy fats include avocado, nuts, seeds, plant oils, and fish. Fats are an extremely important part of maintaining energy. 

Another important part of nutrition is water. It is especially important for athletes to have the correct intake of water. Athletes need 500 to 1000 milliliters of water an hour. Lack of water can cause dehydration.

All of these are key factors for athletes to maintain proper health. I recommend thinking about what you are consuming and setting goals for yourself to make it better. Also try finding new healthy recipes you like and sharing them with others. Doing so will only help your become even stronger.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Cross Training Comitment

                                      Running Is Great Cross Training
                                   Image Courtesy Of: Huffington Post

Dancers work extremely hard and get plenty of exercise. Dancers jump, hop, spin, and flip but unfortunately that is not giving them all of the needs to be a successful. That is when cross training comes in. Cross Training is when you train in two or more sports in order to improve fitness and performance, especially in a main sport.

Cross training would include running, biking, swimming, weight lifting, pilates, and many more. Each sport or exercise has an important reflection on how it will help in dance. Such a running which helps to build strength and stamina. Also swimming to help improve upper body and leg strength while working on breath control. Another example would be pilates that helps improve core strength and flexibility.

Gaining these strengths and abilities will improve you dancing in ways you could never imagine. Such as posture and strength. If you are committed to cross training and building strength then anything is possible. Even if you don't find the idea of other sports and exercises fun still give it a shot and watch yourself improve.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Dream a Little Dream

                                             The Power Of A Dream
                                     Image Courtesy Of: arinanikitina

Everyone has dreams and goals. Some may be becoming an astronaut and traveling through space or getting all A's on your next report card. No matter what those goals are it is always important to dream. Without dreams you have nothing to strive for nothing to set your heart after. Then life just becomes plain, simple life.

When you are dreaming about your future and choosing goals you must know that anything is possible and to strive for something that makes you the best you. Make your dreams as big as you are and stick with them until you accomplish them. I am not saying that if you dream and set a goal it will happen because life never goes the way you may think or want it to but you can always be successful if you work hard enough.

As a dancer I dream of being an amazing performer. I dream of being on broadway and staring in movies. These kind of dreams are amazing but common so if you have a big dream like mine you must understand that there are others with that same dream. Not everyone can achieve that so it is very important to set smaller and more likely goals such as graduating high school or even just winning your next soccer game. Achieving these smaller set goals are just one more boost of confidence to help you reach the bigger ones.

No matter what your dreams are never give up because that is the absolute worst thing you can do. No one likes a quitter, so don't be one. Turn you dreams into goals and show people that you can set your mind to something and achieve it.