
Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Cross Training Comitment

                                      Running Is Great Cross Training
                                   Image Courtesy Of: Huffington Post

Dancers work extremely hard and get plenty of exercise. Dancers jump, hop, spin, and flip but unfortunately that is not giving them all of the needs to be a successful. That is when cross training comes in. Cross Training is when you train in two or more sports in order to improve fitness and performance, especially in a main sport.

Cross training would include running, biking, swimming, weight lifting, pilates, and many more. Each sport or exercise has an important reflection on how it will help in dance. Such a running which helps to build strength and stamina. Also swimming to help improve upper body and leg strength while working on breath control. Another example would be pilates that helps improve core strength and flexibility.

Gaining these strengths and abilities will improve you dancing in ways you could never imagine. Such as posture and strength. If you are committed to cross training and building strength then anything is possible. Even if you don't find the idea of other sports and exercises fun still give it a shot and watch yourself improve.

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