
Sunday, January 31, 2016


Misty Copeland ABT Principal
Image Courtesy Of: NY Daily News

Work. That's what you have taught me, you have shown me that if you set your mind to something there is always a way to achieve it. I have danced all my life but never really believed anything would come out of it, until now.

I first came across a video of you dancing a few years ago and was blown away but never thought much of it, but this past summer that changed. When I  heard the news that you had become American Ballet Theatre's principal dancer, I thought to myself "Wow! That is true determination". I think the most amazing thing about you is with all the odds stacked against you, you still found a way to succeed. Such as how people would say "Oh, she doesn't have the right body type to be a ballerina"  or "She can't be a ballerina she's black" but you didn't listen, stood up, and proved them wrong.

Everyday when I feel like I can't do something or don't have the right abilities to do something. I think that will get me no where and keep on pushing.  

This blog is about my experiences and hopes and dreams for my future. I also just enjoy sharing what I love with the world. I may not have the best technique or flexibility but what I do have is drive and passion, and you've taught me that is what is important and really matters. I hope that you keep reading my blog to see just how much we have in common and the love we share for dance.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Nothing Like Some Good Old Competition

One of Last Years Pieces
Image Courtesy Of: Alexa Wilcox 

Yep! That's right! Competition season is just around the corner, and believe me when I say I am not the least bit excited.

Well that is probably because competitions consist of being smushed in a crowded car driving to some random high school and dealing with crazy loud mothers. Also I end up having to miss a lot of school which puts me behind on all of my assignments. This year I think we are doing three or four competitions so I just got to toughen it up and get through it.

There is really only one competition I am looking forward for, and that is YAGP or Youth America Grand Prix. YAGP is the largest ballet competition in the national and amazing dancers from across the globe are competing in it. I am competing at one of their regional competitions, the winners at all of the regional competitions then go to the Finals in New York City. I doubt I would ever get to the finals, but it is still an amazing experience.

It's not even the performing I am excited about but that I get to see such amazing and dedicated dancers. To be honest I am actually really scared, it is very nerve racking to be compared to some of the best dancers in the country. Also I have had a hurt back and hip and am behind in my rehearsals so am extremely scared that I will not remember my dance or be feeling better.

Honestly I feel that I am ready and this happens to most people because performing is just a very nerve racking thing. The most rewarding feeling is when you come off stage and know you have improved and accomplished something.

Monday, January 11, 2016

Weird Shoes..... Right On Pointe

Beautiful Point Shoes
Photo Courtesy Of: freemotion

Everyone knows that when someone mentions ballet they think of those weird shoes ballerinas wear that make then walk on their toes. Well those weird shoes are called point shoes!

Point shoes have been around for hundreds of years, and you may say they look uncomfortable but back then they were a lot worse. Actually the first dancers to wear dancers weren't even really touching the ground! In 1795 the "Flying Machine was invented which lifted dancers upward allowing them to easily stand on their toes. Later ballet lost the wires and the pointe shoes dancers wear today began to evolve.

For people who don't know a lot about pointe work they might say "Hey can I try a pair, I'm a size 7!"
But getting pointe shoes is not even close to that first of all point shoes run in a completely different size system, for example in street shoes I'm a size 7 but in pointe shoes I'm a size 6 XXX. 

Secondly not just anyone can go on pointe. You're ankles must be strong and well trained also if kids start to young it can mess up the growth in their foot. 

Lastly point shoes are not the same. There are many brand and not all work for everybody. For example my first year on pointe my pointe shoes were from a company called Bloch. That year was torture, they were waaaaaaay to wide so my feet kept slipping and all of my weight was on my big toes. The next year I started wearing a different brand of pointe shoes called Grishkos which are a much more narrow and I have been wearing them ever since.

Pointe for me is a love / hate relationship. I love dancing on point shoes and they make you lines look so beautiful. On the down side pointe is extremely touch on your ankles and usually causes many blisters and feet injuries.

I hope that if you dance on pointe or hope to someday try it that you do not rush into things because pointe work is all about practice and delicacy.

Saturday, January 2, 2016

When You Just Need A Break

Last Years Nutcracker
Photo Courtesy Of: Park City Dance

Life can be tough. Currently I am lying in bed just as I have been for the past twenty four hours. Since it's holiday break I told myself "You need to take sometime to do completely nothing."

How did I get hear? Well that is a very long story. I'll start off by saying always know what you are getting into because you never want to be doing to much.

About a month ago I decided that I wanted to coordinate the schools talent show, I knew it would be a lot a work but I was up for the challenge. The next day I learned the talent show was going to be the day before Nutcracker which I had been rehearsing for already a couple of months and had a lot more rehearsals to come. Then I realized that the talent show and Nutcracker were at the end of the week before break which meant I was going to have a bunch of tests and assignments due then. I decided I could get through it, all I had to do was push through that one week.

When that week came around I was kind of prepared, but still had a lot of work to do. It was Wednesday night I was up studying for my geography test until about midnight when I decided I really need to get some sleep. I woke up and looked at my clock I saw the nineteen when the last to digits were so thought my alarm clock should go off in a minute so I turned it off. I got dressed, did my hair, walked down stairs, and ate breakfast. I finished my bowl of cereal and walked over to the sink to put it away. After my bowl was in the sink I looked down at my phone to see how much time I had before I needed to leave. My phone said it was 2:45 am. Then I collapsed on the floor historically laughing and balling at the same time.

That day I roamed the halls extremely tired, I knew what I had to get done. After school all I wanted to do was go home and sleep. I was very behind on studying for my geography test so ended up missing dance and studying until midnight again.

The next morning I woke up late but my parents said I could miss my first class to get some extra sleep. I went into geography and took my test then went to get ready for the talent show. The talent show was a HUGE success! That night just as I was getting all my stuff ready for the Nutcracker I realized I had left my point shoes at the dance studio. So that night at ten oclock I had to break into the studio, well technically it wasn't breaking in because I have a key just to get my point shoes. 

The next day I woke up at seven am to get my stuff packed, do my hair, put on my make up, and head over to the theatre. The Nutcracker was great but I was also half asleep during it.

Finally that Sunday I sat on a plane leaving for Hawaii finally being able to take a breath.