
Sunday, March 20, 2016

The Invasion

My Studio
Image Courtesy of: Ballet West

So to begin let me just say that I am being invaded. Well that's kind of how it feels but not exactly whats going on.

About a two months ago out of the blue I got I text on a group message of one of my dance groups saying that Ballet West is buying our studio. When I saw the text I left and replied "Stop joking with me, I'm not an Idiot" but then more people started saying it and I started to freak out. I didn't understand how one day I could be going to the Park City Dance Academy and the next day to Ballet West.

A few days later we were told that there was a very important meeting to attend at dance and all classes at that time were cancelled, and it shocked me when they said they will be delivering "Exciting News". I thought how could this be exciting news, Ballet West is going to destroy everything!! All the traditions we have all, all of the classes we have besides ballet, I was mad.

When I got to the meeting all the students and parents gathered around Ballet West's directors and faculty. I had many question to ask and was ready to get it over with. Many of the questions I wanted to know many people asked before I could, and some of it I was ok with but other things made me very mad. For example someone asked if we're going to continue putting on the nutcracker, their response was kind of vague they said "Well we will be doing nutcracker next year, but..........after that.......we don't know." So that basically means that next year will be my last year doing nutcracker which I am VERY sad about. I have been looking forward to performing in the nutcracker as a junior and senior in high school since I was a little girl, because that is when you get the best lead roles.

I am happy that we will get to have some new teachers and classes will be more intense and demanding, but I am still pretty nervous about a lot of the changes.

So to get to my last point, the reason I am writing about this now is auditions for next years placements are tomorrow. I am pretty nervous, but the only reason I am not extremely nervous is because my teachers that I have now will also be giving input on where I should be placed using their experience with me from the past few years. That is good because then it is not all based on how I do in the audition.

Well now I go to the Peggy Bergmann Ballet West Academy at Park City.........Wish me luck!

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